Friday, December 7, 2012

Ending Our Look at "The Mitten"

We had quite a few fun art, science, math and other activities that completed our week. Activities this week that were not photographed included using a plastic glove and a doubled up plastic glove with Crisco to explore cold water. This led to a discussion about fat in animals and how it helps squirrels and rabbits stay warm in the winter. I also did not capture the Ziploc bags filled with shaving cream. This offers sensory exploration for toddlers as well as providing a new medium to write our letters and numbers with our fingers.

Here are some pictures of the tin foil transfer art we completed this week. The children painted on the foil first and then placed their mitten shape on top to capture the print.

We also completed an easel painting with red and green this week.

Our math activities included guessing how many mitten shapes would fit across the item we measured. Our top guess was 10 and it took 11 mitten shapes to measure the coffee table.

We also worked on patterns with our bear family pattern cards and muffin tin pattern activity.

Our letter Mm activities included our Playdough mats made with sheet protectors to easily change the print out inside. We used Bendaroos to complete the letter.

We also had the opportunity to make our very own mitten cookies using green frosting and sprinkles. I had misplaced my mitten cookie cutter, so we improvised by cutting around a mitten shape on the rolled out dough.

Please check back with us next week as we explore creating a movie theater, popcorn and more with "If You Take a Mouse to the Movies."