Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dr. Seuss and "Groundhog Gets a Say"

We began our look at Dr. Seuss with The Cat in The Hat and Batholomew and the Oobleck. Here is the version of The Cat in the Hat we used this week.

We decided that the fish had safety in mind and came up with our own safe tips with the fish. Some of the ideas shared were staying close to mom at the store or fair, don't let strangers in the house and don't play guns at school. Our fish had plenty of wisdom to share with us.

We made hats from the story with a printable from Kristyn Fedich at TpT.

We used the pattern to make our "Cat in the Hat" AB patterned pizza and enjoyed a red smoothie with Greek yogurt, bananas, pineapple tidbits, flax seed, food coloring and honey.

 We also made "Thing 1 and Thing 2" from this link and here.

Our light table activity included a worksheet from this link.

 We also measured Dr. Seuss characters from BugandMonkey at TpT.

Here is a glimpse of our number and letter activities. The salt trays were inspired by Teach Preschool.

 Pinto beans and navy beans in our sensory table provided hours of fun this week. I also added paper towel tubes that are not pictured for an extension activity.

For our exploration of Oobleck and green substances, we made Oobleck to send home with a note from this link and painted with shaving cream and green food coloring.

We also took time to read Groundhog Gets a Say by Pamela Curtis Swallow and spent some time on the National Geographic site looking at authentic photos of groundhogs. I also found an authentic shadow experience from this link. Please take the time to read about her view in staying away from the "groundhog in the cup" and providing real experiences for children. We enjoyed guessing what the toy being held up was.

 We also traced our profile shadow and colored a face on large paper.

We will extend this lesson by charting the actual beginning of Spring and comparing the date to the prediction of a shorter winter. Next week, we will continue our look at Dr. Seuss.

We work with the calendar on a daily basis and count in English/ Spanish, sing about the days of the week and explore the Spanish term for each as well as sing the months of the year in English and Spanish. Here is a video to share with your children. You may be surprised by how many names they know already!