Saturday, May 11, 2013

Dinosaurs, Favorites and Mom

An unfortunate baseball incident for my son along with finals for college pushed this post out a week. I did combine the last two weeks of activity for this post. Spring weather finally arrived and outdoor exploration has stolen the interest of the children. I remember my own childhood days of exploration when the warm weather arrived and couldn't imagine competing with the magic Spring brings.

For our dinosaur wrap up we used the book Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp. We used our "stomp" wall to help keep the beat as we read the story outside. The music fence was inspired by this post.

The dinosaur table activities were found here and at this site. I also included activities from TpT. The dinosaur ten frames are also from TpT, but I could not find the original pdf from Alliegator. Here is the Pinterest link.

Other dinosaur activities included this activity from TpT. We looked at what carnivores and herbivores ate by completing and activity inspired here and then completing the worksheet.

Our sensory experience included a sticky table and playing in potato flakes and water as inspired here.

Our dinosaur art included working with model magic and stamping. Our light table activity included a skeleton activity with straws. The skeletons were found with Google images and printed on translucent card stock.


One of the activities the children came up with was a baby chick hatchery that could be turned into a baby dinosaur hatchery.

Our focus on favorites included finding the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" in sand and cutting strawberries after reading The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear.


Our focus on mom included the book A Mud Pie For Mother.  We also transplanted our zinnia plants into a terracotta pot that had been painted with a pour painting technique. This is a technique we will be revisiting this summer.

Our sensory and light table activities included sand, shaving cream and our favorite paddles and gems. The toddlers used our colored discs and bath mat shapes.

Other outdoor activities included making bubbles with Dawn bubble solution and fly swatters along with chalk rubbings.

The children also had a great time building with the different blocks these past two weeks. Here are a few of their creations. Most of these involved team work and cooperation.

Next week we will begin our look at insects and lead into gardening. I will leave you with one of our inspirations for our stomp fence.

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