Sunday, September 8, 2013

A is for Apple and All About Me

   This week marked the return of our preschool schedule. Our calendar area and schedule were updated as we welcomed the return of favorites like circle time.


    The books we focused on included The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall and What's Inside Miss Molly's Locket by Louise Croft. The second book is a gift I received from my amazing mentor for my college coursework. We will be revisiting these books next week as we expand on some of the themes presented. For this week, we looked at the life cycle of an apple tree and how each one of the children are unique with different skills and interests. The children shared some of their favorite activities and things they do well.

    Our table activities included worksheets from the curriculum I purchased from Preschool Palace. This week, I placed the worksheets in sheet protectors to add to our dry-erase writing center.

     Our art activities included painting with apples from the backyard tree, making a torn paper apple and drawing an apple. We also had a great time sharing our handprints with our "friendship art."

    For sensory and science, we searched for letters in noodles and compared apple slices that had been coated in lemon juice compared to those that were not.

   We had the opportunity to eat Gala and Granny Smith apples with caramel and decide which type of apple we liked better. We also referred to our apple chart to explore color as well as our own uniqueness.

    Other activities included a look at circles by playing with our Connect Four game and exploring color with the light table.

    We enjoyed the following video as we looked at the life cycle of the apple tree and look forward to continuing our unit next week.