Monday, June 24, 2013

In Motion

    If I could choose a theme to encompass the beginning of our summer together, it would include motion. We have had beautiful weather as we have enjoyed walks to the park and our favorite spot for ice cream. Summer temperatures have finally arrived, allowing time spent with the different water toys, which recently included a PVC sprinkler.

    We began our look at motion by reading "All The Water in the World." We really liked the Spanish in this book due to some familiar words that we have encountered in the past. Through this book, we had an introduction to the water cycle, which expanded when we looked at erosion and the power of water when force is involved. Some activities that went along with this book included making our own rivers and lakes in the sensory table, oil and water discovery bottles, tornado tube exploration and also making mud.

   Our look at motion included a few ideas from Steve Spangler as well as Pinterest. We made the drag racing cups, hover craft and also a balloon powered car. We also took time to paint with vehicles and explore the motion of rice and marbles. Our look at marbles included a ready- made marble run along with one we made from foam board and paper towel tubes.




     Our light table activities included some really fun colored shot glasses. We used dishes and the shot glasses with our water beads and later with our gems.



    Within this unit, we also made a magnet frame with our pictures for dad along with having a "beach party day." For our frames, I opted to use fun foam and card stock. Some of our  "beach" activities included water play, colored salt layered bottles with small shells,  making an orange marshmallow frozen pop and enjoying spaghetti "octopi" made from hot dogs. The salt for our bottles were tinted using a large ziploc bag and adding food coloring along with a small amount of rubbing alcohol. The salt was then dried on trays.


     Other activities included catching bugs, moving magnets and making necklaces.


     This week, we begin our look at zoos and animals typically found in a zoo. Our latest activity was inspired by a family within our setting  and many PVC pipe sprinkler tutorials are available to choose from. We continue to  stay in motion as we enjoy our summer. Have a great week!